Nadal, Iniesta y Gasol,
tres deportistas que ya forman parte de la leyenda protagonizan el spot que
se lanzó de cara a estas navidades. El mensaje sigue el camino del
lema de la marca de deportes, el ‘Just do it’ (Hazlo). Ahora se transforma en
‘Brilla, ilumina tu país‘, en un momento en que la crítica situación
económica azota a todo un país, justamente a punto de cerrar el que ha sido, sin lugar a dudas, el mejor año para el deporte español.
Nadal, Gasol Iniesta and three athletes who are already part of the legend, starring spot that was released of Christmas. The message follows the path of the motto of the sport brand, 'Just do it'. Now becomes 'Shine. Light up your country' at a time when the critical economic situation afflicting an entire country, just about to close what has been, without a doubt, the best year for Spanish sport.
Nadal, Gasol Iniesta and three athletes who are already part of the legend, starring spot that was released of Christmas. The message follows the path of the motto of the sport brand, 'Just do it'. Now becomes 'Shine. Light up your country' at a time when the critical economic situation afflicting an entire country, just about to close what has been, without a doubt, the best year for Spanish sport.
Brilla, ilumina tu país from Ialza .
Concierto de Aranjuez - Maestros Joaquín Rodrigo y Paco de Lucía - Movimiento: "Fandango"
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Download this song without wait (right click and "Save link as", you only have to change the name before or after the choice)
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